About Us



Our product offering includes pneumatic and electric passenger doors for road and rail vehicles, ramps and platforms for vehicle access as well as platform doors for stations.
Ever since our foundation in 1967, the history of Masats has been tied to a commitment to quality to meet our customers’ needs and enhance the end user experience all while contributing to the universality and popularity of public transport.
Since 2002, we’ve been a part of the Irizar Group which is a business group with an international presence and a reference in passenger transport, electro-mobility, energy, electronics, electric motors and generators as well as connectivity.
The group is made up of more than 3,300 people with a sales presence in more than 90 countries on five continents and over 620 million euros in turnover.
Our customers include some of the leading manufacturers of buses and trains for the major bus and train makers.
We’ve had a production plant near Atlanta (USA), MASATS LLC, since 2013 for the local production of aluminium doors and systems.
A company with purpose
Improving people's quality of life through better accessibility and mobility. Creating value in a sustainable way and providing comfortable, safe and inclusive access to public transport.
To design and manufacture products for accessing public transport vehicles, whether by road or rail, that provide safety, reliability and comfort, in an inclusive way for all people.
To provide solutions that add value to both vehicle manufacturers and public transport operators and users, in an ethical, sustainable and egalitarian way.
To be a world leader in public transport accessibility systems, offering innovative, safe and efficient solutions that improve accessibility for everyone and be the first choice for the market.
And we will achieve this:
- Improving the experience of public transport users.
- Achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering quality products and high standards of service.
- Offering our customers innovative products and services on which they can always rely.
- Providing innovative solutions through the use of new technologies.
- Motivating the people at Masats to place the customer at the center of our activities.
- Creating and maintaining a working environment that encourages Masats people to participate in decision making, as well as in the results of Masats.
- always Ensuring ethical and environmentally friendly behaviour.
- Creating wealth for all stakeholders, including quality work opportunities for the people of Masats.
Salvador Alapont Masats was founded in Manresa (Barcelona) as a vehicle equipment repair and manufacturing company.1967
S.A. Masats was constituted as a passenger transport company. Mr Salvador Alapont Masats’ maternal family had been dedicated to passenger transport since 1920.1974
The first production building was erected in Sant Salvador de Guardiola. Following successive expansions, the 1,000 m² facility eventually reached today’s approximately 14,626 m².1979
The passenger transport and equipment manufacturing businesses were unified under the company S.A. Masats.1986
Masats became one of the first companies to develop and produce pneumatic boots which guaranteed an outstanding market presence.1988
Masats began manufacturing aluminium doors for buses and coaches through Bode Masats S.A., a new company sharing capital with the German company Gebr. Bode GmbH & Co.1995
A new line of electric door activation mechanisms was developed which was a major technological breakthrough in these components.1999
The manufacture of in-house designed vehicle access ramps began which led Masats into becoming a supplier of integrated transport accessibility systems.2002
Irizar S. Coop. became Masats’ majority shareholder, thereby incorporating the company into a solid group which is made up of more than 3,300 people with a sales presence in more than 90 countries on five continents and over 620 million euros in turnover. This has enabled a much greater opening towards international markets.2003
The two companies were merged. S.A. Masats and Bode Masats S.A. merged to form the new company Masats S.A., thus becoming the second leading European door systems manufacturer.2004
The accessibility product range was expanded with a new lift platform for coaches and a new compact, fast-moving electric sliding door.2008
Masats developed and begin marketing a new line of specific products for the railway sector.2013
Masats LLC was created in the United States. It’s a production subsidiary in the state of Georgia aimed at serving North American customers.2016
Masats developed an all-new system of PSD Platform Screen Doors, designed and developed to meet the most demanding reliability, availability and safety requirements.2018
Masats began door production at a plant in Kennesaw, Georgia.2021
Installation of platform doors on Line 11 in Barcelona. Full-height platform doors with door status lighting system.